SanteMPI Dashboard

SanteDB's default dashboard provides a few key indicators for your MPI (patient population, etc.) as well as recent registrations which may be of interest to an administrator. In the screenshot below, for example, we can see most of the patients in the sample MPI are young patients.

  • Search All Patients - Takes the user to the basic search screen for SanteMPI

  • Filter Recent Patients - Quickly find a recent patient by name

  • View Patient Profile Dashboard - Navigates to the indicated patient's profile

  • Population Stats:

    • Population Age: Shows a histogram of the patient population registered in SanteDB disaggregated by their age and gender.

    • Gender Breakdown: Shows proportion of males and females

    • Registrations by Date: Shows the velocity of new data in the SanteMPI server by registration date.

SanteMPI Patient DetailSanteMPI Searching

Last updated