Group / Role Administration

You can use the iCDR administrative console to view, add, list, and get information about groups/roles within the iCDR instance.

Viewing Groups/Roles

You can view groups/role in the system using the role.list command, specifying optional filter parameters.

> role.list
SID                                    Name                 Description                                      A
dadbd858-13c5-44a3-ad7d-1c44cecaa4b6   ANONYMOUS            Group for user ANONYMOUS. Identifies the func... *
54b7677c-682b-425f-a937-3aa03d5951f1   SYNCHRONIZERS        Group for user SYNCHRONIZERS. Identifies the ... *
c3ae21d2-fc23-4133-ba42-b0e0a3b817d7   SYSTEM               Group for user SYSTEM. Identifies the functio... *
3c83672a-dfe1-11eb-bbae-eb1f1d969e16   Muddsville           A group for Muddsville residents and clinicians. *
86719164-e012-11eb-bbae-eb1f1d969e16   TestRole1                                                             *
9df881f4-e00c-11eb-bbae-eb1f1d969e16   TestGroup2           Checking Policies being added.                   *
613d05a0-dd0d-4516-a30c-e733741885f0   DEVICE               Represents a device in the system. Identifies... *
72fbf3f8-dfe1-11eb-bbae-eb1f1d969e16   TestGroup                                                             *
606e1586-dfe1-11eb-bbae-eb1f1d969e16   testGroup1                                                            *
c911ca0c-de82-11eb-bbad-eb1f1d969e16   Create-Role-Test1                                                     *
ff22744e-de81-11eb-bbad-eb1f1d969e16   Create-Role-Test                                                      *
0d605cd4-9642-11eb-be65-00155d640b09   TEST_REFACTOR        TEST                                             *
f4e58ae8-8bbd-4635-a6d4-8a195b143436   USERS                Group for users who have login access test       *
f6d2ba1d-5bb5-41e3-b7fb-2ec32418b2e1   ADMINISTRATORS       Group for users who have administrative acces... *
252b0ad6-88a9-11eb-be65-00155d640b09   newgroup             a new group edited again                         *
537cdc04-81ef-11eb-b733-00155d640b09   BoatFace             Testing with Boatface                            *
b81e78e0-8143-11eb-b733-00155d640b09   TestyMcTester        Test Group 1                                     *
801eeac0-6eff-11eb-92d2-00155d640b09   SENSITIVE_USERS      This group is for users which can see sensiti... *
43167dcb-6f77-4f37-8222-133e675b4434   CLINICAL_STAFF       Group for clinic staff                           *

The optional filter parameters for role.list are:





Show non-active (deleted) roles only.

role.list -a

Adding Group/Role

You can add a group/role to the iCDR instance using the role.add command with required -r parameter for group/role name:

role.add -r NewRoleTest

The optional filter parameters for role.add are.





Specify a policy to explicitly grant the group/role.

role.add -r NewRoleTest1 -g


Specify a policy to explicitly deny the group/role.

role.add -r NewRoleTest2 -d


Set the Description core property for a group/role.

role.add -r NewRoleTest2 -n NO_SPACES_NOTE

Viewing Group/Role Information

You can view groups/role information for a specific group/role to see all properties and policies using the command with required -r parameter for group/role name:

> -r NewRole3
Name: NewRole3
SID: 8479182c-e0ae-11eb-bbaf-eb1f1d969e16
Description: NOTE
Created: 2021-07-09T08:09:31.9175110-04:00 (Administrator)
Updated: 2021-07-09T08:10:44.9203880-04:00 (Administrator)
        Effective Policies:
                Unrestricted All [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted Administrative Function [] : --- (default DENY)
                Change Password [] : --- (default DENY)
                Administer Data Warehouse [] : --- (default DENY)
                Access Audit Log [] : --- (default DENY)
                Administer Applets [] : --- (default DENY)
                Assign Policy [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted PubSub Administration [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create/Alter PubSub Subscriptions [] : --- (default DENY)
                Disable/Enable PubSub Subscriptions [] : --- (default DENY)
                Delete PubSub Subscriptions [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read PubSub Subscriptions [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create Role [] : --- (default DENY)
                Alter Role [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create Identity [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create Local Users [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create Device [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create Application [] : --- (default DENY)
                Administer Concept Dictionary [] : --- (default DENY)
                Alter Identity [] : --- (default DENY)
                Alter Local Users [] : --- (default DENY)
                Alter Policy [] : --- (default DENY)
                Login [] : --- (default DENY)
                Login as a Service [] : --- (default DENY)
                OAUTH Login [] : --- (default DENY)
                OAUTH client_credentials flow permission [] : --- (default DENY)
                OAUTH password flow permission [] : --- (default DENY)
                OAUTH authoization code grant flow permission [] : --- (default DENY)
                OAUTH Password Reset grant (extended permission) [] : --- (default DENY)
                Login for Password Reassignment [] : --- (default DENY)
                Allow Impersonation of Application [] : --- (default DENY)
                Access Client Administrative Function [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Query Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Write Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Delete Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Export Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Elevate Clinical Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted Metadata [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read Metadata [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read Materials [] : --- (default DENY)
                Query Materials [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read Places & Orgs [] : --- (default DENY)
                Query Places & Orgs [] : --- (default DENY)
                Write Materials [] : --- (default DENY)
                Delete Materials [] : --- (default DENY)
                Write Places & Orgs [] : --- (default DENY)
                Delete Places & Orgs [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted Data Warehouse [] : --- (default DENY)
                Write Warehouse Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Delete Warehouse Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read Warehouse Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Query Warehouse Data [] : --- (default DENY)
                Unrestricted MDM [] : --- (default DENY)
                Write MDM Master [] : --- (default DENY)
                Read MDM Locals [] : --- (default DENY)
                Merge MDM Master [] : --- (default DENY)
                Special Security Elevation [] : --- (default DENY)
                Change Security Challenge Question [] : --- (default DENY)
                Override Disclosure [] : --- (default DENY)
                Restricted Information [] : --- (default DENY)
                Create-Policy-Test [] : --- (default DENY)
                Testy Mctesterson [] : --- (default DENY)
                SUPER SECRET DISCLOSURE [2.25.3049340304933] : --- (default DENY)

There are no optional filter parameters for role.list.

Last updated