dCDR Subscription Execution Provider
in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version
Contract which defines a dCDR subscription executor
The subscription executor is responsible for the translation of a dCDR SubscriptionDefinition from the ISubscriptionRepository to the appropriate database technology. The subscription executor gathers any new records requested by the dCDR and prepares them for download by the dCDR.
Event | Type | Description |
Executed | EventHandler<QueryResultEventArgs<IdentifiedData>> | Occurs after a subscription has been executed, and allows subscribers to modify the data being sent back to the dCDR |
Executing | EventHandler<QueryRequestEventArgs<IdentifiedData>> | Occurs prior to a subscription being executed, and allows subscribers to modify the query being executed. |
Operation | Response/Return | Input/Parameter | Description |
Execute | IEnumerable<Object> | Guid subscriptionKey NameValueCollection parameters Int32 offset Nullable<Int32> count Int32& totalResults Guid queryId | Executes the identified subscription agianst the persistence layer. |
Execute | IEnumerable<Object> | SubscriptionDefinition subscription NameValueCollection parameters Int32 offset Nullable<Int32> count Int32& totalResults Guid queryId | Executes the identified subscription agianst the persistence layer. |
ADO.NET Subscription Executor - (SanteDB.Persistence.Data.ADO)
An implementation of the ISubscriptionExecutor which uses an ADO persistence layer
Service Registration
Example Implementation
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