Data Privacy Enforcement Provider

IPrivacyEnforcementService in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version 3.0.1980.0


Contract for services which enforce privacy directives


Implementers of this service contract are expected to provide support for the SanteDB Privacy Enforcement architecture. The responsibilities for implementers are:

  • Enforce the data privacy directives attached to Entity or Act instances prior to disclosure of the record (for example: redact, mask, or hide)

  • Ensure that data privacy directives are adhered to prior to updating data in the CDR

  • Ensure that fields which are sensitive or forbidden are not being used in queries

This service is used by the IRepositoryService layer. ValidateWrite is used prior to executing a write operation should ensure that the data being provided/written does not violate local privacy laws (i.e. if Race is forbidden, and the request contains Race the request should be aborted or scrubbed)

Additionally, the ValidateQuery method is invoked prior to querying to ensure that the query parameters don't violate local privacy laws (i.e. don't permit query on MaritalStatus) and that patient privacy policies would not be violated by the query. For example, if the jurisdiction has a policy which protects or hides HIV_PROGRAM identifiers, and a principal which lacks that policy attempts a query such as identifier[HIV_PROGRAM].value=!null, then patient privacy could be compromised just by the nature of a a result being returned (even it if the HIV_PROGRAM identifier is scrubbed). The ValidateQuery method should protect in these cases (note: the default implementation does not protect against this, however the capability is present for third party implementers of this service to produce such behavior)





TData data IPrincipal principal

Applies the privacy policies attached to the provided data such that a disclosure to the provided principal would not compromise patient privacy.



IQueryResultSet<TData> data IPrincipal principal

Applies the privacy policies attached to the provided data such that a disclosure to the provided principal would not compromise patient privacy.



TData data IPrincipal principal

Determine if the record provided contains data that the user shouldn't be sending.



Expression<Func<TModel,Boolean>> query IPrincipal principal

Validate that a query can be performed by user and does not contain forbidden or compromising fields


Default Privacy Enforcement - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

Privacy enforcement service that uses the local IPolicyInformationService and takes default behaviors (as described in the SanteDB Privacy Architecture


This privacy enforcement service provides a baseline implementation of a privacy filter in SanteDB. The service supports:

  • Hiding, Masking, Hashing, Redacting data which is about to be disclosed according to the DataPolicyFilterConfigurationSection

  • Removing any forbidden / restricted fields from disclosure based on policy (or global removal)

  • Ensuring that inbound messages do not contain masked or partial data

  • Validating that queries are not performed against forbidden fields

  • Ensuring that inbound data does not contain forbidden field data

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Security.Privacy.DataPolicyFilterService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

ExemptablePolicyFilterService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

A data privacy filter service which supports exemption based on configuration


This class is an extension of the DataPolicyFilterService which adds support for exempting certain types of principals from the enforcement action. This is useful for scenarios where, for example, a IDeviceIdentity may be a node that is synchronizing data.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Security.Privacy.ExemptablePolicyFilterService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Example Implementation

/// Example Implementation
using SanteDB.Core.Security.Services;
/// Other usings here
public class MyPrivacyEnforcementService : SanteDB.Core.Security.Services.IPrivacyEnforcementService { 
	public String ServiceName => "My own IPrivacyEnforcementService service";
	/// <summary>
	/// Applies the privacy policies attached to the provided data such that a disclosure to the provided principal would            not compromise patient privacy.
	/// </summary>
	public TData Apply<TData>(TData data,IPrincipal principal){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();
	/// <summary>
	/// Applies the privacy policies attached to the provided data such that a disclosure to the provided principal would            not compromise patient privacy.
	/// </summary>
	public IQueryResultSet<TData> Apply<TData>(IQueryResultSet<TData> data,IPrincipal principal){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();
	/// <summary>
	/// Determine if the record provided contains data that the user             shouldn't be sending.
	/// </summary>
	public Boolean ValidateWrite<TData>(TData data,IPrincipal principal){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();
	/// <summary>
	/// Validate that a query can be performed by user  and does not contain forbidden or compromising fields
	/// </summary>
	public Boolean ValidateQuery<TModel>(Expression<Func<TModel,Boolean>> query,IPrincipal principal){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();


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