Daemon Service

IDaemonService in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version 3.0.1980.0


Defines a service which follows the daemon service pattern ()


In SanteDB (and OpenIZ) a daemon service is an actively executed service which is started on application host start and torn down/stopped on application context shutdown (or when initiated by a user).

The Start method is invoked on startup. It is expected that implementer of this class will raise the Starting event to signal to other services in the application context that this particular service is starting. Once the initialization process is complete, the implementation should call the Started event to signal this service has completed its necessary start, before returning true from the start method. This behavior allows chaining of dependent services together (i.e. don't start until after start of another service)

On service teardown the Stop method is called, again it is expected that implementers will raise Stopping and then Stopped

If the daemon also implements the .NET IDisposable interface, then the Dispose method is called after service shutdown.





Fired when the daemon service has commenced start but has not yet finished



Fired when the daemon service has completed it start procedure.



Fired when the daemon service has commenced stop but has not yet been fully shut down.



Fired when the daemon has completed its stop procedure






Indicates whether the daemon service is running












Applet JavaScript BRE - (SanteDB.BusinessRules.JavaScript)

A daemon which loads business rules from the applet manager

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.BusinessRules.JavaScript.AppletBusinessRulesDaemon, SanteDB.BusinessRules.JavaScript, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Memory Cache Service - (SanteDB.Caching.Memory)

Implementation of the IDataCachingService which uses the in-process memory to cache objects


The memory cache service uses the MemoryCache class as a backing cache for the SanteDB host instance. This caching provider provides benefits over a common, shared cache like REDIS in that:

  • It does not require the setup of a third-party service to operate

  • The cache objects are directly accessed and not serialized

  • The cache objects are protected within the host process memory

  • The access is very fast - there is no interconnection with another process

This cache service should only be used in cases when there is a single SanteDB server and there is no need for sharing cache objects between application services.

This class uses the TTL setting from the MemoryCacheConfigurationSection to determine the length of time that cache entries are valid

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Caching.Memory.MemoryCacheService, SanteDB.Caching.Memory, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

RedisAdhocCache - (SanteDB.Caching.Redis)

An implementation of the IAdhocCacheService which uses REDIS as the cache provider


This implementation of the REDIS ad-hoc cache provider serializes any data passed via TimeSpan})) to a JSON representation, then compresses (optional) the data and stores it in REDIS as a simple string

The data is stored in database 3 of the REDIS server

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Caching.Redis.RedisAdhocCache, SanteDB.Caching.Redis, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

REDIS Data Caching Service - (SanteDB.Caching.Redis)

An implementation of the IDataCachingService which uses REDIS


This implementation of the caching service uses the XMLSerializer in .NET to serialize any object passed in via the IdentifiedData)) method. The data is then compressed (if configured) and sent to the configured REDIS server.

The use of the .NET XML serializer over the Newtonsoft JSON serializer for caching was chosen since the serializer operates on streams (saves string conversions) and pre-compiles the serialization classes on .NET Framework implementations (Mono implementations use relfection)

The caching data is stored in database 1 of the REDIS server.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Caching.Redis.RedisCacheService, SanteDB.Caching.Redis, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

REDIS Query Persistence Service - (SanteDB.Caching.Redis)

An implementation of the IQueryPersistenceService which usees REDIS for its stateful result set


This persistence service uses REDIS list values to store the UUIDs representing the query executed on the SanteDB server. The data is stored in database 2 of the REDIS server.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Caching.Redis.RedisQueryPersistenceService, SanteDB.Caching.Redis, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

UpstreamSynchronizationService - (SanteDB.Client.Disconnected)

An implementation of the ISynchronizationService which pulls HDSI and AMI data from the remote

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Client.Disconnected.Data.Synchronization.UpstreamSynchronizationService, SanteDB.Client.Disconnected, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Security Audit Service - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

An implementation of IDaemonService which monitors instances of IIdentityProviderService and ISessionIdentityProviderService to audit login and logout events in the audit repository

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Security.Audit.AuditDaemonService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

PubSubBroker - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

An implementation of the IDaemonService which is responsible for monitoring the IPubSubManagerService for new subscription events


The Pub/Sub broker is the central daemon which is responsible for coordinating outbound notifications based on filters established by subscribers. The broker:

  1. Listens to the Subscribe event on the IPubSubManagerService and creates a callback for the data event

  2. Enqueues any new data to the IDispatcherQueueManagerService for sending to outbound recipients

  3. When a IDispatcherQueueManagerService message is enqueued, loads the appropriate IPubSubDispatcherFactory and publishes the notification

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.PubSub.Broker.PubSubBroker, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

DependencyServiceManager - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

The core implementation of IServiceProvider and IServiceManager that supports SanteDB's dependency injection technology.


The dependency injection service manager is responsible for:

Note: You must have an IConfigurationManager instance registered in the application service context prior to calling the Start() method on this class

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Services.Impl.DependencyServiceManager, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

ServerMonitorService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

Represents a security monitoring service which notifies the administrator based on a series of events

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Management.ServerMonitorService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Default Job Manager - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

SanteDB's default implementation of the IJobManagerService


Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Jobs.DefaultJobManagerService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

DataQualityService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

A IDaemonService which registers DataQualityBusinessRule`1 against configured targets

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Data.Quality.DataQualityService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

SimDataManagementService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

Represents a IDataManagementPattern which uses destructive merge and matching in order to contain a single instance.


The SIM data management service implements the Single Instance Mode of storage pattern. The single instance mode:

  • Maintains a single copy of a record in the CDR

  • Attempts to perform duplicate detection between these single instances

  • When a merge occurs, the subsumed record is obsoleted (and later purged)

  • Unmerge is not possible

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Data.Management.SimDataManagementService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Dataset Installation Service - (SanteDB.Core.Api)

Data initialization service


This service will read all datasets provided by any registered IDatasetProvider and will instal them via the configured IDatasetInstallerService

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Data.Initialization.DataInitializationService, SanteDB.Core.Api, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

AppletNotificationTemplateRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Applets)

An implementation of the INotificationTemplateRepository which loads NotificationTemplate instances from the notification/ folder in applets

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Applets.Services.Impl.AppletNotificationTemplateRepository, SanteDB.Core.Applets, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

AppletSubscriptionRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Applets)

An implementation of the ISubscriptionRepository that loads definitions from applets

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Applets.Services.Impl.AppletSubscriptionRepository, SanteDB.Core.Applets, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Local Applet Repository/Manager - (SanteDB.Core.Applets)

Represents an applet manager service that uses the local file system

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Core.Applets.Services.Impl.FileSystemAppletManagerService, SanteDB.Core.Applets, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

HL7 FHIR R4 API Endpoint - (SanteDB.Messaging.FHIR)

Implementation of an IApiEndpointProvider for HL7 Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) REST Interface


The FHIR based message handler is responsible for starting the IFhirServiceContract REST service and enables SanteDB's FHIR REST services. Consult the Enabling FHIR Interfaces documentation for more information on enabling these services in SanteDB.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.FHIR.FhirMessageHandler, SanteDB.Messaging.FHIR, Version=3.0.1982.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

GS1 BMS XML3.3 API Endpoint - (SanteDB.Messaging.GS1)

GS1 Business Messaging Standard (BMS) HTTP / REST implementation of IApiEndpointProvider


This service is responsible for maintaining the lifecycle of the IStockService REST contract which implements SanteDB's GS1 BMS API.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.GS1.StockServiceMessageHandler, SanteDB.Messaging.GS1, Version=3.0.1982.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

GS1 Stock Event Subscriber - (SanteDB.Messaging.GS1)

Represents a notification service that listens to stock events and then prepares them for broadcast


This service is obsolete and will be replaced using the PubSubBroker implementation and IPubSubDispatcherFactory implementation instead.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.GS1.StockSubscriber, SanteDB.Messaging.GS1, Version=3.0.1982.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

GS1 AS2(ish) Integration Service - (SanteDB.Messaging.GS1)

GS1 AS.2 stock event notification service


This class is obsolete and will be migrated to the IPubSubDispatcherFactory implementations in future versions of SanteDB.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.GS1.Transport.AS2.As2IntegrationService, SanteDB.Messaging.GS1, Version=3.0.1982.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

HL7v2 API Endpoint - (SanteDB.Messaging.HL7)

Implementation of the IApiEndpointProvider providing support for Health Level 7 Version 2.x messaging


This service is responsible for starting up and tearing down the various IHL7MessageHandler interfaces configured for SanteDB's implementation of HL7v2 support. This service starts up the necessary ITransportProtocol interfaces and initializes the message handlers for receiving and handling inbound messages on LLP, SLLP, or TCP.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.HL7.HL7MessageHandler, SanteDB.Messaging.HL7, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

OpenAPI Metadata Exchange - (SanteDB.Messaging.Metadata)

Represents the daemon service that starts/stops the OpenApi information file

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Messaging.Metadata.MetadataMessageHandler, SanteDB.Messaging.Metadata, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Administrative Management Interface - (SanteDB.Rest.AMI)

An implementation of the IApiEndpointProvider which hosts and manages the Administrative Management Interface REST services.


This service is responsible for starting up and shutting down the REST services for the AMI, as well as

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.AMI.AmiMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.AMI, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Application Interaction Interface - (SanteDB.Rest.AppService)

Implementation of IApiEndpointProvider for the Application Service REST service


The application service manager is used for end-user facing CDR deployments and provides methods for manipulating the user environment

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.AppService.AppServiceMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.AppService, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Business Intelligence Service - (SanteDB.Rest.BIS)

Represents a message handler for the BIS

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.BIS.BisMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.BIS, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Health Data Services Interface - (SanteDB.Rest.HDSI)

Implementation of IApiEndpointProvider for the Health Data Services Interface REST service


The HDSI message handler is responsible for the maintenance and lifecycle of SanteDB's Health Data Service Interface. The service starts the necessary REST and query services on start and tears them down on system shutdown.

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.HDSI.HdsiMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.HDSI, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

OAuth 2.0 Messaging Provider - (SanteDB.Rest.OAuth)

Represents a IApiEndpointProvider which serves OpenID Connect and OAUTH requests


This service is responsible for starting and maintaining the OAuthServiceBehavior REST service which is responsible for supporting SanteDB's OpenID Connect interface

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.OAuth.OAuthMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.OAuth, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

WWW Interface - (SanteDB.Rest.WWW)

Implementation of IApiEndpointProvider for the World Wide Web service


The world wide web message handler is responsible for serving HTTP requests for web pages

Service Registration

<section xsi:type="ApplicationServiceContextConfigurationSection" threadPoolSize="4">
		<add type="SanteDB.Rest.WWW.WwwMessageHandler, SanteDB.Rest.WWW, Version=3.0.1980.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

Example Implementation

/// Example Implementation
using SanteDB.Core.Services;
/// Other usings here
public class MyDaemonService : SanteDB.Core.Services.IDaemonService { 
	public String ServiceName => "My own IDaemonService service";
	/// <summary>
	/// Fired when the daemon service has commenced start but has not yet finished
	/// </summary>
	public event EventHandler Starting;
	/// <summary>
	/// Fired when the daemon service has completed it start procedure.
	/// </summary>
	public event EventHandler Started;
	/// <summary>
	/// Fired when the daemon service has commenced stop but has not yet been fully shut down.
	/// </summary>
	public event EventHandler Stopping;
	/// <summary>
	/// Fired when the daemon has completed its stop procedure
	/// </summary>
	public event EventHandler Stopped;
	/// <summary>
	/// Indicates whether the daemon service is running
	/// </summary>
	public Boolean IsRunning {
	public Boolean Start(){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();
	public Boolean Stop(){
		throw new System.NotImplementedException();


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