BRE Debugger

The SanteDB debugger is a tool that allows developers to interactively debug business rules, and clinical protocols before pushing these changes to a production or staging environment.

Command Line Options

Tool: sdb-dbg.exe

The following parameters are supported by the SanteDB debugger





Source code file(s) for debugging



Working directory for the debugger



Attached sqlite database for loading / inserting data operations



Attached configuration file for debugging



Loads rules and script files from the referenced PAK file



Launches the debugger in BusinessRules mode (debug JavaScript rules)



Launches the debugger in ClinicalProtocol mode (debug XProtocol files)


Debug Shell

The debug shell provides basic common commands as well as debugger specific commands (for JavaScript or XProtocol).




Change Directory


Scope to Null


Clear Screen


Dump Scope


Dump Scope JSON


Dump Scope View Model


Dump Scope XML


Exchange Scope




Show Help


Database Insert


List Data Services


List Directory


Output Full Stack


Print Data Query


Print Working Directory


Set Scope


Set Scope - Database Object


Set Scope - Database Query


Set Scope - View Model File


Set Scope - JSON File


Set Scope - XML File

cd - Change Directory

Changes the working directory Example: cd C:\sources

sn - Scope to null

Sets the current scope to NULL

clear - Clear Screen

Clears the current screen

ds - Dump Scope

Dumps the current scope to the screen in .NET format


  • [path] - The object property path to be dumped

Example: Dump Scope

dbg >ds
Type: SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient
Asm:  SanteDB.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Str:  Patient (K:, V:)
Addresses                 List`1                    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[OpenIZ.Core.Model.Entities.EntityAddress]
AsSecurityUser            SecurityUser              null
ClassConcept              Concept                   null
ClassConceptKey           Nullable`1                bacd9c6f-3fa9-481e-9636-37457962804d

Example: Dump Scope with Path

dbg >ds DateOfBirth
Type: SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient
Asm:  SanteDB.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Str:  Patient (K:, V:)
Path: DateOfBirth
5/22/1986 12:00:00 AM

dj - Dump JSON

Dumps the current scope object to HDSI JSON format


  • [path] - The object property path to be dumped

Example: Dump Scope as JSON

dbg >dj
  "dateOfBirth": "1986-05-22",
  "language": [],
  "classConcept": "bacd9c6f-3fa9-481e-9636-37457962804d",
  "determinerConcept": "f29f08de-78a7-4a5e-aeaf-7b545ba19a09",
  "relationship": [],
  "$type": "Patient"

dv - Dump View Model

Dumps the current scope object as ViewModel format

Remarks: This command is useful when debugging data which is being sent to the view model in the AngularJS controllers

Example: Dump Scope as ViewModel

dbg >dv
  "$type": "Patient",
  "$id": "obj0",
  "dateOfBirth": "1986-05-22",
  "address": {},
  "identifier": {},
  "name": {},
  "relationship": {},
  "telecom": {},
  "creationTimeModel": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

dx - Dump XML

Dumps the current scope object as IMSI XML format


  • [path] - The path within the object which should be dumped to screen

Example: Dump Scope as XML

dbg >dx
<Patient xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
  <version xsi:nil="true" />
  <sequence xsi:nil="true" />
  <statusConcept xsi:nil="true" />
  <genderConcept xsi:nil="true" />

xs - Exchange Scope

Exchanges the scope for a child element of the current scope.


  • [path] - The path within the current scope object to exchange the debugging scope with

Example: Exchange Scope for Array Item

Sets scope to a query then exchanges scope to first search result:

dbg >ds
Type: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient, OpenIZ.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]
Asm:  mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Str:  System.Collections.Generic.List`1[SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient]
[0] Patient (K:16f27afe-4966-4c85-956c-90dfaba62446, V:bf3deb9e-29e9-4146-8ada-4ba7871d12e6)
[1] Patient (K:55080b7a-3da6-4992-96bb-a6d20bf17b13, V:be2396ec-1786-46f3-8beb-8f203bae3941)
[2] Patient (K:e45fcadf-e3af-43e7-953e-4a8125f2d6a0, V:0fc264e5-addd-4103-9c40-d23f2d9f703b)
[3] Patient (K:df5dde4a-a33b-4abe-95fd-63d58e1b96f0, V:6b10fb8c-295f-4f6e-b11b-48e40198c935)
[4] Patient (K:be6420ac-6ba8-4faa-98f6-7d9efdcd04a0, V:1c0749f3-bcdf-42af-a36a-03f702adc336)
[5] Patient (K:7f649985-0d97-4d04-a6a1-502c67c35327, V:ed255f0a-8617-4639-a4af-de3e272bb862)
[6] Patient (K:8289fa5e-7c08-4075-9a91-8e79bebaca3f, V:88965abd-32b8-4b29-8d4d-060417c6187e)
[7] Patient (K:cd1c6592-fec0-4a7b-ab0a-4ca51fce801c, V:c8d267cf-9845-4a8c-a6fd-1563ab204971)
[8] Patient (K:10abe6c3-22d5-4804-9090-164098a1eb65, V:27a04a6c-96ef-4b95-aac3-d43efa810485)
[9] Patient (K:f82e9145-2aa0-416a-bbda-41656b7e8eff, V:5044a736-5c07-439c-8f17-5d04d3460dac)
dbg >xs [0]
Path: [0]
dbg >ds
Type: SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient
Asm:  SanteDB.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

q - Quit

Exits the debugger

? - Show Help

Shows a complete list of commands for the current debugger

dbi - Database Insert

Inserts the current scope object into the database, setting the scope variable to the inserted instance.

lds - List Data Services

Lists all loaded services in the debugger environment

ls - List Directory

Lists the current working directory contents


  • [dir] - The subdirectory to list contents of

ofs - Output Full Stack

Output full stack traces instead of the summarized stack traces.

pdq - Print Data Query

Executes a database query against the attached database, however does not set the scope.

Remarks: This is useful when you want to query the database but do not want to set the scope (i.e. finding a record you will later set the scope to)


  • [type] - The type of resource being queried

  • [qry] - The HDSI format query to be executed

  • [skip] - Skips the number of records

  • [take] - Takes the specified number of records from the dataset

  • [path] - The sub-path within the query result to show

Valid Uses:

  • pdq [type] [qry] - Simple query

  • pdq [type] [qry] [path] - Simple query, printing path

  • pdq [type] [qry] [skip] [take] - Query with result control limits

  • pdq [type] [qry] [skip] [take] [path] - Query with control limits, output selected path

Example: Query for patients with name Justin and show the first result's address

dbg >pdq Patient name.component.value=Justin [0].Addresses
INF: Patient where o => o.Names.Any(name => name.Component.Any(component => (component.Value == "Justin"))) (0..)
Path: [0].Addresses
[0] SanteDB.Core.Model.Entities.EntityAddress

pwd - Print Working Directory

Prints the current working directory to the screen.

ss - Set Scope

Sets the scope to the specified simple object


  • [scope] - The simple object to set to scope

  • [type] - The type of resource to set scope to

  • [data] - The JSON formatted data to set the typed scope to (can only be used with type)

Valid Uses:

  • ss [scope] - Simple Data

  • ss [type] [data] - Complex data from JSON

Example: Set scope to 'hello world!'

dbg >ss 'Hello World!'
dbg >ds
Type: System.String
Asm:  mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
Str:  Hello World!
Hello World!

Example: Set scope to a patient with date of birth of March 1, 2017

dbg >ss Patient '{"dateOfBirth":"2018-03-17"}'
dbg >ds
Type: SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient
Asm:  SanteDB.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Str:  Patient (K:, V:)
Addresses                 List`1                    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[OpenIZ.Core.Model.Entities.EntityAddress]
AsSecurityUser            SecurityUser              null
ClassConcept              Concept                   null
ClassConceptKey           Nullable`1                bacd9c6f-3fa9-481e-9636-37457962804d
CreatedBy                 SecurityUser              null
CreatedByKey              Nullable`1                null
CreationAct               Act                       null
CreationActKey            Nullable`1                null
CreationTime              DateTimeOffset            1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM +00:00
CreationTimeXml           String                    null
DateOfBirth               Nullable`1                3/17/2018 12:00:00 AM

sd - Set Database Scope

Sets the current scope from the specified database object.

Remarks: This command is useful when reproducing bugs with a known patient identifier.


  • [type] - The resource type of data to load

  • [id] - The identifier of the data to be loaded

Example: Load patient with ID be6420ac-6ba8-4faa-98f6-7d9efdcd04a0 to scope

dbg >sd Patient be6420ac-6ba8-4faa-98f6-7d9efdcd04a0
dbg >ds
Type: SanteDB.Core.Model.Roles.Patient
Asm:  SanteDB.Core.Model, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Str:  Patient (K:be6420ac-6ba8-4faa-98f6-7d9efdcd04a0, V:1c0749f3-bcdf-42af-a36a-03f702adc336)

sdq - Set Database Scope Query

Sets the current scope to the result of a query with optional controls

Remarks: This operation is useful when you don't know the key of the data in a database to reproduce an issue, however you know attributes of the data.


  • [type] - The type of data to be queried

  • [qry] - The query to be executed

  • [skip] - The number of results to skip in the result set

  • [take] - The number of results to take

Valid Uses:

  • sdq [type] [qry] - Set scope to results of query

  • sdq [type] [qry] [skip] [take] - Set scope to results of query with result control

Example: Set scope to all Patients having an external identifier of 1234567890

dbg >sdq Patient identifier.value=1234567890
INF: Patient where o => o.Identifiers.Any(identifier => (identifier.Value == "1234567890")) (0..)
INF: 1 set to scope

Example: Set scope to first 10 patients with name containing 'a'*

dbg >sdq Patient name.component.value=~*a* 0 10
INF: Patient where o => o.Names.Any(name => name.Component.Any(component => (component.Value.Contains("*a*") == True))) (0..10)
INF: 15 result (0..10 set to scope)

sfv - Set File (View Model)

Sets the current scope to the contents of a JSON file formatted in ViewModel format


  • [type] - The type of data the JSON View Model file contains

  • [file] - The name of the file to load

sfj - Set File JSON

Sets the current scope to the contents of a IMSI JSON file.

Remarks: The JSON file must carry a valid "$type" property.


  • [file] - The file to be loaded

sfx - Set File XML

Sets the current scope to the contents of an IMSI XML file


  • [type] - The type of resource the file contains

  • [file] - The path to the XML file to load

Last updated

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