Retention Policies
Administrators can specify optional retention policies which use the ADO.NET Data Archiving and Shipping service in order to purge/obsolete data which is no longer clinically relevant.
When enabled, the retention policy feature will create a JOB on system startup which will ensure that data is retained according to the administrator configured policies.
Option | Description | Example |
Policy Variables | Allows the specification of variables (like cutoff dates, environment variables, etc.) which can be used in the retention policy definitions. | Collection if .NET C# Expressions |
Policy Definitions | The specification of one or more data retention policies which the policy retention service will apply. | |
Job Status | When ENABLED the retention policy will be enabled on system startup. | ENABLED | DISABLED |
Repeat | The days of the week when the scheduled job of retention should be applied. | Day of Week |
Start On | The date/time when the job should be started (time indicates the time the job will start) | DateTime |
Stop On | The date/time when the job should no longer be triggered | DateTime |
Stop This Event | When true, the Stop On property is enforced, when false the job will run on the schedule indefinitely. | Boolean |
Interval | If you want to run the retention job on an interval rather than on a particular kickoff time each day of the week, use the interval here in seconds. | Number |
Use Interval | When TRUE the interval value is used and the job is triggered on a regular timer. When FALSE the job is scheduled to execute on the Start On time. | Boolean |
Retention Policy Definition
The retention service requires the definition of retention policies which need to be applied.
Option | Description | Example |
Applies To | The resource type that the policy applies to. Note: SanteDB Resources use inheritance so a binding to Person applies to Patient, Person, and Provider |
Exclude Filter | The HDSI query filters of objects which DO NOT APPLY to this retention policy. | See: HDSI Query Syntax |
Include Filter | The HDSI query filters for objects which DO APPLY to this retention policy. | See: HDSI Query Syntax |
Name | An informative name to show in logs and notifications. |
Retention Policy | The actual policy which should be applied to the retention of data. | See: Retention Policies |
Retention Policies
The retention policy on a policy definition indicates the action that the service should take on data which matches Include Filter but is not in Exclude Filter.
Policy | Description | Example Action |
Purge | Purges (permanently erases) data from the primary database. The data is no longer stored. For versioned resources, a resource pointer is maintained with a status key of PURGED. | Purge all Obsolete Patients |
Obsolete | Obsoletes (logically erases) data from the primary database. The data continues to exist in the primary database however it does not appear in user interfaces. | Obsolete all Patients > 10 years old |
Archive | Copies the data from the primary database (in the ADO.NET Data Persistence Service configuration) to the archive database (in the ADO.NET Archiving and Shipping configuration) |
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