in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version 3.0.1980.0
Repository service
Guid key
Get the specified object
Expression query
Find the specified object
Expression query Int32 offset Nullable<Int32> count Int32& totalResults
Find the specified object
Object data
Inserts the specified data.
Object data
Saves the specified data.
Guid key
Obsoletes the specified data.
AmiUpstreamRepository<TModel> - (SanteDB.Client)
HDSI upstream repository
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
AmiWrappedUpstreamRepository<TModel,TWrapper> - (SanteDB.Client)
Wrapped upstream repository for AMI which uses the ISecurityEntityWrapper
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
HdsiUpstreamRepository<TModel> - (SanteDB.Client)
HDSI upstream repository
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
UpstreamAuditRepository - (SanteDB.Client)
An upstream audit repository
Service Registration
UpstreamRepositoryServiceBase<TModel,TWireFormat,TCollection> - (SanteDB.Client)
A generic implementation that calls the upstream for fetching data
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalActRepository<TAct> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents an act repository service.
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalClinicalDataRepository<TModel> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents generic local clinical data repository
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalConceptRepository<TModel> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Generic local concept repository with sufficient permissions
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalMetadataRepository<TMetadata> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Provides generic basis for metadata editing
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
Local Repository Service - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a base class for entity repository services
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalRepositoryEx<TModel> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Generic nullifiable local repository
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
GenericLocalSecurityRepository<TSecurityEntity> - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Generic local security repository
This service implementation is abstract or is a generic definition. It is intended to be implemented or constructed at runtime from other services and cannot be used directly
LocalBatchRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local batch repository service
Service Registration
LocalCarePathwayDefinitionRepositoryService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local care pathway definition
Service Registration
LocalConceptRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a service which is responsible for the maintenance of concepts using local persistence.
Service Registration
LocalContainerRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Place repository that uses local persistence
Service Registration
LocalEntityRelationshipRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a local entity relationship repository
Service Registration
LocalEntityRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local entity repository
Service Registration
LocalExtensionTypeRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local extension types
Service Registration
LocalIdentityDomainRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a repository service for managing assigning authorities.
Service Registration
LocalManufacturedMaterialRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local material persistence service
Service Registration
LocalMaterialRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local material persistence service
Service Registration
LocalOrganizationRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Provides operations for managing organizations.
Service Registration
LocalPatientRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local material persistence service
Service Registration
LocalPlaceRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Place repository that uses local persistence
Service Registration
LocalProtocolRepositoryService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Default protocol repository services
Service Registration
LocalProviderRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Provides operations for managing organizations.
Service Registration
LocalSecurityApplicationRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local security application repository
Service Registration
LocalSecurityDeviceRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Local security device repository
Service Registration
LocalSecurityPolicyRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Alter policies
Service Registration
LocalSecurityRoleRepositoryService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a local security role service
Service Registration
LocalSecurityUserRepositoryService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Security user repository
Service Registration
LocalTemplateDefinitionRepositoryService - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a local metadata repository service
Service Registration
LocalUserEntityRepository - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Localuser entity repository
Service Registration
Example Implementation
Last updated
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