HL7v2 Test Cases Instructions
Steps taken to run the hl7 test cases
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Steps taken to run the hl7 test cases
Last updated
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Pull santempi repository from github : https://github.com/santedb/santempi.git
Having docker installed, run the following command inside santempi/instant directory where the docker-compose.yml file exists to spin up docker containers.
It also can be done by running the "docker-compose.ui.yml" file but the ui component is not necessary here
Get the latest sdbac release from github: https://github.com/santedb/santedb-server/releases
Download the sdbac.zip and extract the files.
1-Run the following commands inside sdbac directory where the sdbac.exe is located or run the sdbac.exe directly.
The command prompt should be run in administrative mode
2-Insert the credentials for Username and Password.
3-Wait for the system to get ready
4-Run the following commands:
To create TEST_HARNESS application run:
To create TEST_HARNESS|TEST device run:
To create TEST identity domain and set the assigned authority to TEST_HARNESS run:
Pull hl7-testing-tool from github: https://github.com/santedb/hl7-testing-tool.git
Run hl7-testing-tool solution with visual studio.
They can be run as an entire test suite or an individual test case or test step.
For a test step to pass all mandatory assertions and at least one of alternate assertions for the same terserstring must pass.
For more information about how the tool works please visit The README section in hl7-testing-tool repository at github: https://github.com/santedb/hl7-testing-tool/blob/main/README.md