Information Gathering & Analysis

The first step to deploying SanteDB solutions is to gather information about problem domain and jurisdiction in which the solution will be deployed.

Identify Stakeholders

Identify the people and organizations within the implementation context. Stakeholders include:

  1. Relevant department(s) of the organization

  2. Vendors of existing software solutions within the context

  3. Subject matter experts for the problem domain, relevant standards and SanteDB products

  4. Owners / Operators of health solutions (such as funders, NGOs, hospitals, etc.)

Establish a Vision

Identify the reason why SanteDB or a SanteDB solution is needed in the context, and what clinical problem is being solved. It is helpful to indicate:

  1. What problems are being solved?

  2. Why do we need to solve them?

  3. What are the timelines in which a solution should/needs to be found?

  4. What are the Solution Architecture which apply to the project?

It is useful to prepare a vision statement for the overall deployment of SanteDB project. This vision statement is a short (1 - 2 sentences) statement which encapsulates the project and can be referenced as a guiding raison d'être as the project progresses.

An example for Demoland might be:

The National Client Registry (NCR) will facilitate the implementation of our National Health Identifier Programme (NHIP). NHIP is a keystone to supporting better care through health information exchange throughout Demoland.

Establish a Team

Identify a team of people who will be responsible for the process of operationalizing SanteDB in the context. The team which is identified/established ad their roles/responsibilities on the team will be highly variable (based on project).

SanteDB has had some success using the RACI methodology ( which identifies team members who are:

  • Responsible - Completes the tasks or work described

  • Accountable - Answerable to the project owner/sponsor for the accurate and thorough delivery of the work

  • Consulted - Subject matter experts or other persons/groups whose opinions are sought

  • Informed - Receives updates on progress (typically one way communication)

RACI charts are often defined using deliverables/tasks as rows and an organizational chart as columns. This makes it easy for project team members to know what their obligations are for each phase of the project delivery.

The SanteSuite community cannot provide concrete RACI templates since they are highly variable based on roles of team members. However, we have provided a minimal template which may be of use to implementing partners.

Team Makeup & Roles

The explicit makeup of a SanteDB deployment team will vary, however the community has prepared a list of logical "roles" which should be filled (these may be filled by the same person with the required skills) throughout the project lifecycle.

Perform Environmental Scan

Engage with relevant stakeholders to perform an environmental scan of the current environment in which the SanteDB system is being deployed. It is important to observe/collect:

  1. Which systems are being used in the context?

  2. What types of data do those systems collect?

  3. What are the processes used by those systems and their users?

  4. What are the operational difficulties that are being encountered? (lack of data, timeliness of access, etc.)

  5. How are users authenticated or identified?

  6. What non-technical (business) processes are enforced?

  7. Perform Policy / Legislative Scan - Identify, collect, and document the relevant legal statutes, policies, laws, culture norms, etc. which may impact the project.

Unique Health Identifier Assessment Toolkit

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has prepared a useful unique health identifier assessment toolkit which may be of use in performing an environmental scan of the current identities and policy frameworks in your jurisdiction.

See: Unique Health Identifier Assessment Toolkit from ADB

Last updated