Patient Identity Feed – Minimal data set
This test ensures that the receiver does not reject a message containing only an identifier, and one of gender, date of birth, mother’s identifier. This test makes no assertion about merging/matching patients
This test mimics the environment whereby a newborn demographic with minimal patient information (gender and date of birth) can be stored by the client registry and faithfully returned with an appropriate query to the interface.
This test validates the MPI/CR's ability to link a mother's record with a newborn's record, and to query that data back from the MPI. This option uses the Pediatrics Demographics Option in section 8.2.1
of the IHE Patient Demographics Query
This test is only required if the Client Registry is implementing the Pediatrics option and supports the ability to query/link mothers with children.
Pre-Conditions / Setup
All conditions from OHIE-CR-02 should be completed prior to running this test suite.
If the SanteMPI instance is configured to use Msh8 security and not node authentication, then the MSH-8
value of all test messages must contain TEST_HARNESS+TEST_HARNESS
Register Mother's Demographic
The test harness sends an ADT^A01 message with the mother's patient demographics
Register Patient with Minimal Demographics
Test harness sends an ADT^A01 message with minimal data set containing information for a newborn with only an identifier, gender and date of birth. The PID-6 (Mother's Maiden Name), PID-21 (Mother's Identifier), and PID-24 (Multiple Birth Indicator).
Expected Behaviour
Receiver Accepts Message with an
MSH-5 and MSH-6 matches
Response is
Response is version
Query for Minimal Patient using Patient's Identifier
Test harness verifies the infant record was created in the receiver.
Expected Behaviour
Receiver responds with an
Receiver sends exactly one
segment with identifierRJ-441
in domainTEST
in PID-3
Query for Newborn using Mother's Identifier
Test harness verifies the receiver can resolve the newborn demographic based on the identifier of the mother.
Expected Behaviour
Receiver responds with an
Receiver sends exactly one
segment with identifierRJ-441
in domainTEST
in PID-3
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