Testing that current Official Record (Suffix, Given Name(s), Family Name(s), Prefix)), Username, and Role(s) appear while editing user properties.



The top banner on the Administrative Panel / Security / Users / Edit User page should populate with the selected user's Official Record (Suffix, Given Name(s), Family Name(s), Prefix), Username, and Role(s).

Pre-Conditions / Setup

  1. User must be logged into an account with policies granted for creating users.

  2. Follow the instructions from TEST: SECURITY-UM-01 to create a new user -- applying any valid values for required fields.

  3. Navigate to Administration Panel / Security / Users / Index page.


1. Click the Edit button for an existing user (e.g. "ClinicalStaffUser123" from TEST: SECURITY-UM-01).

Expected Behaviour

  • Banner displays Official Record (Suffix, Given Name(s), Family Name(s), Prefix), Username, and Role(s) for the user.

  • If any Official Record (Suffix, Given Name(s), Family Name(s), Prefix), or Role(s) are edited, the banner should show these changes.

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