Patient Identity Feed – Invalid register patient message

This test validates that the Client Registry rejects a poorly formed message lacking appropriate assigner information in PID-3.

Pre-Conditions / Setup

Prior to executing this test, SanteMPI instances should configure:

  • The TEST_OTHER application

  • The TEST_OTHER|TEST device

<dataset id="Test Domain" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://santedb.org/data">
  <insert skipIfError="false" skipIfExists="true">
    <SecurityApplication xmlns="http://santedb.org/model">
      <!-- Secret: TEST_HARNESS -->
  <insert skipIfError="false" skipIfExists="true">
    <SecurityDevice xmlns="http://santedb.org/model">
      <!-- Secret: TEST_HARNESS -->

Patient Missing PID-3.4 With No Authority

Test harness sends ADT^A01 message where the CX.4 of the PID is missing.

MSH|^~\&|TEST_OTHER|TEST|CR1|MOH_CAAT|20141104174451||ADT^A01^ADT_A01| TEST-CR-01-10|P|2.3.1
PID|||RJ-438^^^&&||JOHNSTON^ROBERT^^^^^L|MURRAY^^^^^^L|19830205|M|||1220 Centennial Farm Road^^ELLIOTT^IA^51532||^PRN^PH^^^712^7670867||||||481-27-4185

Expected Behaviour

  • Receiver rejects the message with an AR or AE

  • Response is ACK^A01

  • Response version is 2.3.1

  • MSA indicates that an assigning authority (PID-3-4) could not be resolved.

Last updated

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