Concept Sets

This page documents a feature in SanteDB 3.0


In SanteDB's concept dictionary, a concept set is a collection of concepts which are used for a particular purpose. Concept sets are used for:

  • Data Validation - Whether a particular value belongs on a particular data field or relationship

  • Drop Downs - In the user interface to drive selections of concepts

  • Grouping of related concepts for export/import

Concepts are administered through the Concept Set administration page. Concept sets existing in one of three ways:

  • As an explicit list of concepts which are members of the set

  • As a composition of other concepts sets via "include" or "exclude"

  • As a mix of direct inclusions and compositions

Concept Set

When an administrator visits the Concept Sets page in SanteDB, they are presented with a list of concept sets which are registered with their SanteDB instance.

Administrators may use this page to:

  • Create a new concept set

  • Delete an existing concept set

  • View details of a concept set

  • Search concept sets

Creating a Concept Set

Administrators can create a concept set by selecting the Create option. This will display a form of minimal properties for establishing a new concept set.

The fields are as follows:



Human readable name for the concept set

Species of non-human Patients


A unique mnemonic for the concept set. This is what is used in the user interface and database triggers to reference the concept set by a non-changing name.



A unique object identifier in dotted form which is used to expose the concept set to other systems. This value must be globally unique.



The URL of the concept set which is used when the concept set is exposed on FHIR interfaces.


Managing Concept Sets

Viewing a concept set will allow administrators see members of the set and modify the core properties.

Administrators can export the concept into any formats (XLSX, CSV, HTML) for consumption in third party systems. The concept set can also be download into a dataset format file for import into another SanteDB instance.

Concept properties can be eited using the concept set properties grid edit option.

Adding Concepts to Set

Concepts can be added to the concept set using the Add option in the Concept Set Expansion panel. The interface will show a modal allowing the administrator to add an existing concept to the set or define a new concept.

Concepts may be added one at a time, or multiples using the expanded add button action.

Once done adding, the concept set is displayed with the concept and the owning set.

Composing Concept Sets

A concept set can also be composed from other concept sets. Concept set composition is performed using the Compose option.

Composition of a concept set is either:

  • Include: All concepts in the specified concept set are considered members of the concept set in which they're composed

  • Exclude: All concepts in the specified concept set are forbidden for use in the current concept set.

The example above the example concept set will include all concepts in the Act Status set with the exclusion of Concept Status. When saving, the concept set expansion window is updated.

Included concepts from other sets will have their Member of Set column populated with the set from which the concept is drawn and cannot be manually removed from the set. Additionally the Composition field will be updated to include all registered concept set compositions.

Uploading Concept Sets

For bulk uploads, administrators may create a concept of many concepts in a CSV sheet and may upload using the provided template:

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