This page documents a feature in SanteDB version 3.0.
SanteDB's Business Intelligence services allow developers of SanteDB applets to define custom reports, queries, views and also (starting with Version 3.0) custom data marts.
A data mart is replica of the primary SanteDB database whereby selective data is pre-pivoted, calculated and stored in a schema which is more suited for running reports. This makes writing reports easier and makes running reports faster. It also allows system administrators to host data for reporting purposes on another physical server instance.
The SanteDB BI data mart infrastructure allows for the extension and derivation of datamarts on one another. A data mart definition is defined in a new bi asset file with a DatamartDefinition element and contains:
Metadata about the data mart definition including authors, and permissions to access the data mart.
A data source registration which identifies the <dataSource which can be referenced by reports, queries and views.
A <schema> which identifies the tables, views and relationships between these objects within the datamart.
A <flows> element which defines one or more data flows and data pipelines for extracting data from one or SanteDB data sources (including other data marts) to populate the new data mart.
Previous versions of SanteDB (namely OpenIZ and SanteDB 1.0) shipped with a series of ETL jobs written in Talend, however this solution was not portable, and did not allow definition of data marts in an end-user conifgurable manner, and also did not work on the mobile application environment. The new SanteDB 3.0 data mart seeks to resolve this limitation.
Defining a Datamart
Datamarts are defined by create a new asset file in the bi/ folder of your applet. The XML file has a structure as illustrated below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-model href="~/.ref/schema/BusinessIntelligence.xsd" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><BiDatamartDefinitionxmlns=""id=""name="my-datamart"label="my-datamart"> <metastatus="active"version="1.0"> <authors> <add>YourCo Inc.</add> </authors> <annotation> <divxmlns=""> <p> This is an example! </p> </div> </annotation> </meta><!-- If your data-mart is a copy and extension of an existing mart --> <basedOn ... ><!-- If your data-mart definition adds to another data-mart that already exists --> <extends ...><!-- The data source that this data mart produces --> <produces ... ><!-- The schema of your data mart --> <schema ...><!-- The name of the data flow where the ETL process should start Note: The default is a data flow named "main" --> <entry ...><!-- Data Flows in the Data-Mart --> <dataFlows ...> </BiDatamartDefinition>
Deriving / Extending Data Marts
SanteDB 3.0 provides a default datamart named, and other projects developed by SanteSuite (such as SanteEMR, SanteIMS) may have their own. Implementers can either extend these data marts or base entirely new marts on them.
Extending an Existing Mart
Extending an existing data mart is useful when:
You wish to add new views to an already existing mart
You wish to add new tables to an existing mart
You wish to change or modify data in an existing mart after it is populated (post processing tasks)
To extend a data-mart, the extends element is used with a reference to the other data mart
<BiDatamartDefinitionxmlns=""id=""name="extends-core"label="extends-core"> <metastatus="active"version="1.0"> <authors> <add>YourCo Inc.</add> </authors> <annotation> <divxmlns=""> <p>Adds FOO_TBL to the core data mart</p> </div> </annotation> </meta> <extendsref="" /> <schema> <tablename="FOO_TBL"> <columntype="string"name="BAR" /> <parentref="ENT_TBL" /> </table> </schema></BiDatamartDefinition>
Deriving a New Mart
It is also possible for developers to base an entirely new data mart on an existing definition. When using a derivation, the underlying mart definition is "copied", this saves developers from re-defining common assets.
Deriving a data-mart is done with the basedOn element.
Produced Data Source
The primary purpose of the data mart is to provide a BI data source which can be used for reports, queries, or like any other connection in SanteDB. The data source which is created or used as the output for the data mart is identified in the <produces element of the datamart definition.
Existing Data Source
If you would like to output your data mart to an existing BI data source, use the ref option.
<producesref="" />
Configured Database
If you have configured a connection string in the SanteDB server configuration or would like to place the output of your datamart in an existing location you can specify the connectionString attribute on your datamart definition.
If you would like the BI layer to create a new database on your database server, you can simply specify the name, permissions, and other metadata for your new data source.
<producesid=""name="example"> <metastatus="active"> <policies><!-- This requires query clinical data --> <demand></demand> </policies> </meta></produces>
You can specify a different databse server and technology for all data marts by creating a new connection string in your server configuration file with the biSkel attribute.
Schema Definition
The <schema> element of the data mart definition is used to define the tables and views for the data mart in a database technology agnostic manner.
For example, to define a data mart which has two tables FACILITY_TBL, PATIENT_BY_DOB_TBL:
Links between tables can be established using a type="ref" on your column and including an <otherTable> reference. For example, to link an ADDRESS table to a PATIENTS table:
SanteDB's primary CDR stores data as a series of objects in a hierarchy (see: Conceptual Information Model). In a relational database this is represented as "table per class" pattern, using the entity classes, this can be represented as.
This means that every Place, Person, Patient, and Provider should have an entry in Entity as well with the core data elements. Each other table merely adds more data to the previous.
The BI schema definition allows the devleoper to shortcut this, and automatically create views which link these tables up the hierarchy using the <parent> element on the table, for example:
Would allow a PATIENT to have a MOTHER which is either just a PERSON (who has only a gender, first and last name), or a PATIENT with an MRN.
The BI layer also automatically establishes a view VW_PATIENT which can be used to get all applicable fields for the PATIENT. The SQL generated for this definition is similar to:
The schema of the data mart defines its structure, the data flows of the data mart definition describe how data is extracted from another source to populate the data mart.
Each data flow defines one or more parameters (which can be passed by a caller) and a single data pipeline.
Data Pipeline
The order of the elements in the <pipeline> element don't necessarily have an impact on the order in which the items are called, the execution of a data pipeline starts with all un-streamed components and works backwards. This creates a streaming IEnumerable data flow for each component, for example:
The execution engine analysis would conclude that the terminal node of this pipeline is the <writer> step, which relies on <crosstab> which relies on <reader> so the order of execution would be:
Open connection inputConnection
Execute SQL and name the stream read_addresses
Pivot the output of read_addresses and namd the stream pivot_addresses
Open the outputConnection connection
Write the stream pivot_addresses to the outputConnection
Pipeline Steps
The <pipeline> element of a flow represents the activities which are to be performed for the flow. Each pipeline step must carry a name="" attribute, and should reference other steps where possible. For example, referencing components is performed with the ref="" attribute as illustrated below:
When executing multiple operations, it is often desirable to execute the output in a transaction. Transactions represent an atomic series of updates, and either all the components succeed, or none do. Transactions create a new sub-scope from the data flow which contains them.
<transactionname="{NAME_OF_TRANSACTION}"> <connectionref="{NAME_OF_CONNECTION}" /> <pipeline><!-- Pipeline Here --> </pipeline></transaction>
The transaction requires that the connection be opened in read-write mode.
For example, to read all identiifers in the SanteDB primary database.
<readername="source_ent_id"> <connectionref="input" /> <schema> <columnname="ENT_ID_ID"type="uuid"/> <columnname="ENT_ID"type="uuid"/> <columnname="VALUE"type="string"/> <columnname="ISSUER"type="string"/> <columnname="CHECK_DIGIT"type="string"/> <columnname="ISSUED"type="date"/> <columnname="EXPIRY"type="date"/> </schema> <sql> <add> <providers> <invariant>npgsql</invariant> <invariant>FirebirdSQL</invariant> <invariant>sqlite</invariant> </providers><![CDATA[ SELECT ENT_ID_TBL.ENT_ID_ID, ENT_ID_TBL.ENT_ID, ID_VAL AS VALUE, ID_DMN_TBL.NSID AS ISSUER, CHK_DGT AS CHECK_DIGIT, ISS_DT AS ISSUED, EXP_DT AS EXPIRY FROM ENT_ID_TBL INNER JOIN ID_DMN_TBL USING (DMN_ID) WHERE ENT_ID_TBL.OBSLT_VRSN_SEQ_ID IS NULL AND ID_DMN_TBL.OBSLT_UTC IS NULL ]]> </add> </sql> </reader>
Data Writer
Input: IEnumerable
Output: IEnumerable
A data writer is used to write data to a connection. The output of the data writer is a stream of the records that were written.
<writername="{NAME_OF_OUTPUT_STREAM}"truncate="true|false"mode="insert|update|delete|insert-update"rejects="output|halt|log"> <inputref="{NAME_OF_INPUT_STREAM}" /> <connectionref="{NAME_OF_CONNECTION}" /><!-- If output to a schema table --> <targetref="{REF_OF_TABLE}" /><!-- If output to a temporary table --> <targettemporary="true"name="name_of_temp_table"> <column ... /> </target></writer>
Records that could not be written to the output connection are streamed out of the data writer with an additional $reject and $reject.reason fields added to the output object. Use a <filter> or <split> pipeline component to filter for these records.
Column Transform
Input: IEnumerable
Output: IEnumerable
A column mapping pipeline step is used to change the names of input data stream fields to other output stream field names, and to apply transforms.
<transformname="{NAME_OF_OUTPUT_STREAM}"> <inputref="{NAME_OF_INPUT_STREAM}" /> <map> <sourcename="{NAME_OF_INPUT_COLUMN}"><!-- If transforming according to an expression --> <transform>{C# EXPRESSION HERE}</transform><!-- If mapping based on a lookup table or column --> <lookupjoinColumn="{NAME_OF_COLUMN_IN_OTHER_TABLE}"> <inputref="{INPUT_STREAM_NAME}" /> </lookup> </source> <targetname="{NAME_OF_TARGET_COLUMN}" /> </map></transform>
Using the lookup option requires loading of the entire source of the lookup into memory, and is intended for very small reference lookups. If a larger join is desired use a <join> pipeline component.
Input: IEnumerable
Output: IEnumerable
The crosstab pipeline step allows developers to pivot a dataset based on an accumulator.
The <input> stream MUST be sorted by the @key as the most significant sorting column. Failure to sort the input result set may result in the crosstab being unpredictable.
Output to Log
Input: IEnumerable
Output: IEnumerable
For diagnostic purposes, it is often useful to log data and messages to the output. SanteDB data flows can log to one of the following places:
The application log (the trace log)
The registration for the particular execution of the datamart refresh
The console
Logs may be sourced from an input stream or may be standalone components.
<logpriority="Informational|Verbose|Error|Warning"logTo="any|execution|console|trace"> <inputref="{NAME_OF_STREAM_TO_USE_AS_LOG_INPUT}" /> MESSAGE TO LOG</log>
For example, to log a simple message to the console:
<logpriority="Informational"logTo="console">{{ $principal }} is running me!</log>
To log the contents of an input stream to the execution log (which would require an administrator to log in to view):
The filter object allows developers to filter an incoming result set and pass only those records which match the specified criteria to the next stage of the pipeline.
The result set can be halted at any time with the <halt> pipeline step. The HALT operation currently halts on the first encounter of a record being processed.