HL7 Version 2 Service

The HL7 Version 2 Service configuration panel is used to enable or disable the sending and receiving of HL7 Version 2.x messages.


Local Domain

The local assigning authority for the HL7 Version 2.x receiver. Whenever SanteDB encounters an identifier in this domain, it will assume the CX.1 refers to the UUID / key of the object.

Authentication Mode

Identifies the method of authenticating HL7 requests.

No Auth Secret

When not requiring application authentication, all values in the MSH-3 must be registered as a security application with this secret. This is the shared secret which the HL7 authentication layer uses to establish an application identity.


HL7 Services

Configuration for endpoints, messages, and trigger events for HL7 Services.

Receiving Facility ID

The UUID of the local receiving facility for HL7v2 messages. The facility information is loaded from the primary data store based on this UUID and used to populate MSH-4 and MSH-5.


SSN Authority

The identity domain configuration for PID-19 (SSN). If using this field outside of the United States, this is the identity domain information for that field.

Birthplace Types

A list of valid ClassConcept UUIDs which are used to resolve the PID birthplace. In HL7v2 birthplace is a plain string. This string is used to search for Place for a concrete birthplace relationship.


Identifier Replacement

When set to AnyInDomain , any attempt to update a patient identifier will remove the existing identifier for that patient in the domain and replace it with the provided value. This has the effect of only allowing one identifier per identity domain from a single sender.


Strict Metadata

When set to TRUE any metadata in any field sent SanteDB must exactly match (place, organizations, etc.) must be matched exactly using the identifier in the XON rather than names.

True (recommended)

Require Application Authentication

When true, all HL7 messages must be authenticated as Application + Device identity. When false, a Device Identity is used and the Application authentication comes from the No Auth Secret is used with MSH-3 to authenticate an application identity.

True (recommended)

Strict CX4

When true resolution of CX.4 based on MSH values will be disabled and all senders MUST send CX4.1 or CX4.3

HL7 Service Endpoints

The HL7 Services configuration property allows administrators to edit one or more IP/Endpoints which can receive HL7v2 messages.



The IP / port to listen for inbound messages for the services. binds the endpoint to all IP addresses, binds to localhost.

Unencrypted Localhost:


Encrypted Public:



Messages (message types and trigger events) which can be processed on this endpoint.


The name of the endpoint which is shown in logs.

My HL7 Endpoint

Receive Timeout

The number of milliseconds that the receiving endpoint will hold the connection open before forcably closing it.

20000 (20 seconds)

Transport Option

When the endpoint uses sllp:// as the endpoint binding, the transport binding options.

Secure Endpoints

When sllp:// is used as the transport for the HL7 endpoint, the security settings for the endpoint.


Check CRL

When true, the endpoint will attempt to check the Certificate Revocation List.

False - For faster performance

True - For more secure transactions

Enable Client Cert Negotiation

When true, the HL7 endpoint will challenge clients to provide a client certificate.


Client CA Certificate

The root certificate or intermediary certificate where client certificates must be bound to. The certificate chain will be validated against the this CA.

Server Certificate

The certificate which the SanteDB iCDR will provide to clients which authenticates the server to clients. This certificate is also used to encrypt traffic with the client.

Messaging Events

Each HL7 endpoint can support multiple message / trigger events. The messages property of the endpoint specifies which message handlers can be used for which trigger events on the specified endpoint.


Message Handler

The implementation of the message handler which should be used to process messages which have any of the events listed in the events property.


The trigger events which should be forwarded to the selected message handler.


Last updated