Patient Identity Feed – Match with mother’s identifier

This test ensures that the receiver is able to match an incoming patient with their mother via the “Mother’s Identifier” property. In this test, the harness with register a patient (the mother) and subsequently will register an infant record (only dob, gender and id) with the mother’s identifier attached. The test will ensure that the link occurred by validating a demographic query contains the mother’s name.


Pre-Conditions / Setup

Setup the receiver such that OID 2.16.840.1.113883. has assigning authority of TEST which can be assigned from TEST_HARNESS

Ensure that the following patient is registered in the receiver (can be done with the ADT message provided). Name: Jennifer Jones, id: RJ-439^^^TEST, gender: F, dob: 1984-01-25

PID|||RJ-439^^^TEST||JONES^JENNIFER^^^^^L|SMITH^^^^^^L|19840125|F|||123 Main Street West ^^NEWARK^NJ^30293||^PRN^PH^^^409^30495||||||

Test Step 1:

Test harness sends an ADT^A01 message with minimal data set containing information for a newborn with only an identifier, gender and date of birth with mother’s identifier.


Expected Behaviour

  • Receiver Accepts Message with an AA

  • MSH-5 and MSH-6 matches “TEST_HARNESS|TEST”

Test Step 2:

Test harness verifies the infant record was created in the receiver.

QPD|IHE PIX Query|Q0530|RJ-440^^^TEST^PI

Expected Behaviour

  • Receiver responds with an AA

  • Receiver sends exactly one PID segment with identifier RJ-440 in domain TEST in PID-3

Test Step 3:

Test harness verifies the infant record has mother’s information attached to it by sending a PDQ message with infant’s identifier.

QPD|Q22^Find Candidates^HL7|Q0740|@PID.3.1^RJ-440~@PID.3.4.1^TEST

Expected Behaviour

  • Receiver responds with an AA

  • Receiver sends exactly one PID segment with identifier RJ-440 in domain TEST in PID-3

  • Receiver conveys mother’s name in PID-6 with value of JONES^JENNIFER

  • Receiver conveys mother’s identifier in PID-21 of RJ-439 in domain TEST

Last updated

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