Care Plan Generation Service
in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version
Service contract for service implementations which generate CarePlan instances
The care plan generator is responsible for using the IClinicalProtocolRepositoryService (which stores and manages IClinicalProtocol instances) to generate instances of patient CarePlan objects which can then be conveyed to the caller and/or stored in the primary CDR.
Property | Type | Access | Description |
Protocols | IList<IClinicalProtocol> | R | Gets the list of protocols which can be or should be used to create the care plans |
Operation | Response/Return | Input/Parameter | Description |
CreateCarePlan | CarePlan | Patient patient | Create a new care plan (using all available protocols for which the patient is eligible) |
CreateCarePlan | CarePlan | Patient patient Boolean groupAsEncounters | Create a new care plan (using all available protocols for which the patient is eligible) |
CreateCarePlan | CarePlan | Patient patient Boolean groupAsEncounters IDictionary<String,Object> parameters | Create a new care plan (using all available protocols for which the patient is eligible) |
CreateCarePlan | CarePlan | Patient patient Boolean groupAsEncounters IDictionary<String,Object> parameters Guid[] protocols | Create a new care plan (using all available protocols for which the patient is eligible) |
Default Care Planning Service - (SanteDB.Core.Api)
Represents a care plan service that can bundle protocol acts together based on their start/stop times
This implementation of the care plan service is capable of calling IClinicalProtocol instances registered from the clinical protocol manager to construct Act instances representing the proposed actions to take for the patient. The care planner is also capable of simple interval hull functions to group these acts together into PatientEncounter instances based on safe time for grouping.
Service Registration
Example Implementation
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