User Identity Provider
in assembly SanteDB.Core.Api version
Identity provider service
Event | Type | Description |
Authenticating | EventHandler<AuthenticatingEventArgs> | Fired prior to an authentication event |
Authenticated | EventHandler<AuthenticatedEventArgs> | Fired after an authentication decision being made |
Operation | Response/Return | Input/Parameter | Description |
GetIdentity | IIdentity | String userName | Retrieves an identity from the object |
GetIdentity | IIdentity | Guid sid | Retrieves an identity from the object |
CreateIdentity | IIdentity | String userName String password IPrincipal principal | Create a basic identity in the provider |
Authenticate | IPrincipal | String userName String password | Authenticate the user creating an identity |
Authenticate | IPrincipal | String userName String password String tfaSecret | Authenticate the user creating an identity |
ReAuthenticate | IPrincipal | IPrincipal principal | Perform a re-authentication of the principal |
ChangePassword | void | String userName String newPassword IPrincipal principal | Change user password |
DeleteIdentity | void | String userName IPrincipal principal | Delete an identity |
SetLockout | void | String userName Boolean lockout IPrincipal principal | Set lockout |
AddClaim | void | String userName IClaim claim IPrincipal principal Nullable<TimeSpan> expiriy | Adds a claim to the specified user account |
RemoveClaim | void | String userName String claimType IPrincipal principal | Removes a claim from the specified user account |
ADO.NET Identity Provider - (SanteDB.Persistence.Data.ADO)
Identity provider service
Service Registration
Example Implementation
Last updated